Update on MOM policy
Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, travel restrictions have become very unpredictable as the government tries to keep it under control. This in turn affects the employment of foreign workers and their entry to Singapore. With the new Omicron variant, Singapore government has adjusted the MOM policies and regulations to facilitate the safe reopening of the Singapore economy.
We have listed down the recent changes below.
1. All pass holders must be fully vaccinated.
From 1 November 2021, it is mandatory for all pass holders (including CMP workers, helpers and confinement nannies) with travel history to any countries/regions be fully vaccinated before their arrival to Singapore. They will be required to produce their vaccination proof at the Singapore custom and if they fail to do so, their entry will be rejected.
From 1 February 2022 onwards, this requisite will also apply for Permanent Resident and long-term pass applications. Those renewing their work passes will also have to submit or present their vaccination certifications as part of the verification process.
2. No more Stay Home Notice (SHN) levy waiver
The Singapore government has previously provided SHN levy waiver support so that employers have more time to adjust to the increased costs brought about by COVID-19 related restrictions. However, this waiver support has ended in December 2021 and will not be continued until further notice.
3. COVID-19 Medical Insurance
From 1 January 2022, the Singapore government will no longer cover the treatment costs for all pass holders entering Singapore, regardless of whether they are new or existing employees. Employers are encouraged to purchase medical insurance with appropriate coverage for their workers BEFORE they enter Singapore as the employers are now responsible for their medical expenses if they develop COVID-19 symptoms or tested positive within 14 days of arrival in Singapore.
4. COVID-19 entry approval expenses
For new work pass holders under In-Principle Approvals (IPA), the employers should discuss with the employees on who bears the costs or how to share them unless they are under Work Permit (WP) pass, in which the employers will need to bear the full cost and not allowed to pass it to the employees.
We encourage employers to draft a Letter of Appointment for their work pass (excluding WP) candidates and reach a mutual agreement on the responsibilities of the entry approval expenses before submitting a work pass application.
Do you need any assistance with your work pass applications in view of the recent MOM policy changes or drafting of Key Employment Terms to ensure that the responsibilities and benefits of the job position is properly communicated? Are you looking for trustworthy professionals to assist you with structuring proper human resource policy so that you are in line with the MOM regulations?
Contact us at +65 8010 1470 or info@kmerleone.com for a free consultation session today!