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MOM Pass Requirements Update 2022


MOM Pass Requirements Update 2022

All foreign workers will require a valid work pass to work in Singapore. Recently, MOM has announced that there will be a change in S Pass and Employment Pass requirements. These changes will affect all new and renewal applications from 1 September 2022 onwards.

S Pass

The change in S Pass requirement is meant to uplift the quality of S Pass holders to the top one-third of Singapore’s local Associate Professionals and Technicians (APT) workforce. As such, the S Pass quotas will also be updated from 1 January 2023.

There will be a rise in the minimum qualifying salary for S Pass applications. Older candidates will continue to require a higher salary to qualify. Companies are to take note that these changes will affect S Pass renewals as well.

Source: Ministry of Manpower

The S Pass Basic / Tier 1 levy rate will also be raised in three steps, as follows:

Source: Ministry of Manpower

Levy for Tier 2 S Pass holders will remain at $650.

S Pass quota will also be reduced for certain sectors.

Source: Ministry of Manpower

Employment Pass

The qualifying salary for Employment Pass will also be benchmarked to salaries of the top 1/3 of the local PMET workforce to ensure the quality of EP holders. With that, EP holders are expected to meet a higher qualifying salary from 1 September 2022. Older candidates will also require a higher salary to qualify. This is also applicable to financial services sector where they will continue to have a higher qualifying salary due to higher wage norms.

Employers will be expecting regular updates to the qualifying salary to reflect local PMET wage trends. One way of tracking the wage trends can be done through the MyCareersFuture website, which will give the employers a rough idea of the current salary payable to the locals.

The revised qualifying salary will apply to all new applications from 1 September 2022 and renewals from 1 September 2023.

Source: Ministry of Manpower

With more stringent requirements imposed by MOM, many employers may find it difficult to keep track or obtain approval for their pass applications.

At K.Merleone, we strive to assist our clients to assess eligibility, obtain work passes for their candidates and provide timely updates from MOM. If you would like to apply for any passes before the change in requirements, contact us at +65 8010 1470 or email us at now!

*You may drop us an email too to request to join our mailing list for more grants and pass applications update.



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